Today I learn, Σ.

2 min readJul 3, 2022

Today my first subject is mathematics. I started the day with this because my learning plan at a day I expected to learn the GO language that I had never used before. And applied it to the new tech with I interested. So consequent learning path at a day. Let me take formula mathematics compiled by the GO lang and then execute it to some platform. For now, I don’t choose yet.

Fibonacci is a good practice for learning a programming language by a new one. This’s a sum of the two preceding ones. Commonly the sequence starts from 0 and 1, and then gets a sum of those and shifts to the next term and reprocess again. The common sequence looks like this, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 … etc. I will show the code with the GOlang in the next article. So, This Is the article I write for my memoir. May are not necessary for everyone, please forgive me.

The main idea of this article is the notation or may have someone calls a symbol. The mathematics notation is easy to write but read it too hard. Even so, It’s essential. Try to think about when you want to note some formula that appears in your head immediately and that about the sequence function. How many sheets of paper will you use? Let’s see the picture.

Σ, This’s called sigma. This symbol means the sum things up. In the picture, we can read this formula as “The sum of (n) in 4 terms, in which the (n) starts by 1. It stands for 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10. So the result of this equation is 10.

